Years ago, I had a friend who bought one of those ab contraction machines. The type made the abs flex involuntarily. Now, he actually needed to get leaner more than anything. But for adding strength and mass - it turns out these machines actually work. You still need to do traditional lifting, but they can enhance the results you get from a regular routine. A new meta-analysis[1] came out a couple of weeks ago. They analyzed 13 studies with 374 participants. Combining electrical muscle...
2 days ago • 1 min read
I was just going to send this out to customers who picked up Visual Impact Fat Loss Boost... But figured I'd send this out to the entire newsletter instead. We just got off a 14-day diet. Most people got spectacular results. A woman sent this to me this morning. She lost 17 pounds in 14 days! Got another testimonial last night. He lost almost 20 pounds in 14 days. These are exceptional results. Typically, each 14-day Fat Loss Boost, you can expect to lose 8-10 pounds. That isn't all fat. Some...
14 days ago • 2 min read
I just wanted to send out one more email about Fat Loss Boost. This is a $19 mini-course. It's a breakdown of the best way to do a Protein Sparing Modified Fast (PSMF). A diet created in the 70s by physicians as the fastest way to lose body fat while sparing muscle. Visual Impact Fat Loss Boost As a bonus for picking up the course, I run a group fat loss boost in Facebook. Totally optional. We are starting a 14-day boost today (but a lot of people get killer results in 10 days, so it's fine...
28 days ago • 1 min read
The absolute best time for an aggressive diet is right after a period of high calories. When you give your body plenty of calories, it ramps up the metabolism... and hormones that allow rapid fat loss are raging. When you diet right after this, you can get away with a large calorie deficit. It's absolutely the best time to lose weight. If you have been eating in a surplus and put on a little flab in Nov and Dec? Your body is primed to drop weight if you begin a diet right after this. There's...
29 days ago • 1 min read
This upcoming Friday I'm leading a group through a 2-week "scientific crash diet". It's not as scary as it sounds :) We're doing a version of a Protein Sparing Modified Fast. It was developed in the '70s by physicians as the FASTEST possible way to lose weight without losing muscle mass. Details about the diet here: Visual Impact Fat Loss Boost People typically lose around 10-12 pounds in two weeks. Some of that is water weight. About 1/2 to 2/3 of the weight is body fat. Actual fat loss is...
about 1 month ago • 1 min read
Feeling a bit flabby after these holidays? We are starting a group round of Fat Loss Boost. One week from today. This is a 14-day aggressive diet plan which we will start this upcoming Friday, January 3rd... and finish on Thursday, January 16th. Expect to drop 10-15 pounds in 2 weeks. Some of that will be water weight... But 4-7 pounds of that weight loss will be from body fat. "Won't I just gain all the weight back if I lose it quickly like this?" People have been told that losing weight...
about 1 month ago • 5 min read
My friend Nick Nilsson just launched his newest program. It's aimed at 40+ year-olds. It covers some advanced approaches to gain strength and injury-proof yourself as you get older. I just finished reading it, and I'm going to implement several concepts into my current workout program. It's called Return to Prime. It's a complete 4-phase program. Phase 1 - Angiogenesis Training Phase 2 - Connective Tissue Training Phase 3 - Hyperplasia Training Phase 4 - Nervous System Efficiency Training If...
about 2 months ago • 1 min read
A recent study found that just 1-2 tablespoons of honey per serving can significantly boost the survival of probiotics. These are the good gut bacteria you want making it through to your intestines. The researchers tested different types of honey. Clover honey worked best. Probably has to do with its unique blend of sugars and other compounds. The honey-yogurt combination had about 50 times better survival rate for the beneficial bacteria compared to yogurt without honey. Here's how I'm...
about 2 months ago • 1 min read
I tried the low carb diet thing a few times in my life. The last time was 2014 - 2015. Then, in 2017, I dramatically increased my carbs and have been eating higher carbs ever since. I also released a course about that back in 2017. High Carb Fat Loss Possibly the worst time to release a course on the benefits of going high carb and lower fat (Keto was surging in popularity). It's been neat to see others benefitting from carbs. Mike Geary is one of the biggest names in the fitness world online...
2 months ago • 2 min read
I was reminded today of what I consider one of the most significant breakthroughs in recent years. It was an idea by Brad Pilon that the heat generated through exercise and even exposure to heat, in general, is one of the reasons your body sheds fat. He wrote an entire book on the subject. It's just $10 and what I consider to be one of the bigger paradigm shifts in how and why our body sheds fat. The Book on Heat (Only $10)I'll cut and paste an email I sent last year about this. Looking back...
2 months ago • 2 min read