I tried the low carb diet thing a few times in my life. The last time was 2014 - 2015. Then, in 2017, I dramatically increased my carbs and have been eating higher carbs ever since. I also released a course about that back in 2017. Possibly the worst time to release a course on the benefits of going high carb and lower fat (Keto was surging in popularity). It's been neat to see others benefitting from carbs. Mike Geary is one of the biggest names in the fitness world online and he posted this just a couple of hours ago. I'll continue what he wrote below. "No sleep supplement, no amount of magnesium etc ever had this effect. Just a lot more carbs, and for me I get most of my carbs from fruit, fruit juice, honey, maple syrup (added to yogurt or cottage cheese), coconut water, squash, and a little white rice and potatoes. A little high quality sourdough bread too, but very little grains other than that and white rice. The reason... more carbs helps lower stress hormones. On a low carb or keto diet, stress hormones can be a bit higher, and it could be just enough to hamper sleep a little bit. Some people sleep great on keto or low carb diets. Others are more sensitive to little increases in stress hormones. I seem to be more sensitive to stress hormones so I've seen huge benefits to not only sleep, but also testosterone, energy, etc by doing everything possible to lower stress hormones. That means more carbs, but it also means shorter workouts, not doing intermittent fasting anymore, shorter or less cold plunges, and and even cutting sauna to maybe 4 days a week instead of 7. Having some protein and carbs first thing in morning helps lower stress hormones too, so I noticed i feel a lot better with that now instead of fasting in the morning. If you have issues sleeping, try adding more carbs throughout the day (particularly with dinner), and you might just sleep a LOT deeper! This has been a game changer for my sleep. I sleep super DEEEEEP now just about every night. Note that in order to add a couple hundred more grams of carbs a day, i had to make the effort to lower my fat just a bit to make room for the extra calories from carbs. The other benefit of more carbs is it also raises your thyroid levels and metabolic rate, so you can stay the same weight while actually increasing calories a bit." End of post. I have to say... Mike Geary has 1,000X the reach as me. So, I'm hoping he will make an impact in a way I've been unable to. That being said. I'm super proud of my course. I think it explains carbs and fat loss in an easy-to-understand way. I'm not always perfect at following it... But the closer I follow this approach the leaner I get. Give it a shot! Cheers, -Rusty |
Fat loss and muscle definition strategies by former personal trainer to fashion models, Rusty Moore.
Years ago, I had a friend who bought one of those ab contraction machines. The type made the abs flex involuntarily. Now, he actually needed to get leaner more than anything. But for adding strength and mass - it turns out these machines actually work. You still need to do traditional lifting, but they can enhance the results you get from a regular routine. A new meta-analysis[1] came out a couple of weeks ago. They analyzed 13 studies with 374 participants. Combining electrical muscle...
I was just going to send this out to customers who picked up Visual Impact Fat Loss Boost... But figured I'd send this out to the entire newsletter instead. We just got off a 14-day diet. Most people got spectacular results. A woman sent this to me this morning. She lost 17 pounds in 14 days! Got another testimonial last night. He lost almost 20 pounds in 14 days. These are exceptional results. Typically, each 14-day Fat Loss Boost, you can expect to lose 8-10 pounds. That isn't all fat. Some...
I just wanted to send out one more email about Fat Loss Boost. This is a $19 mini-course. It's a breakdown of the best way to do a Protein Sparing Modified Fast (PSMF). A diet created in the 70s by physicians as the fastest way to lose body fat while sparing muscle. Visual Impact Fat Loss Boost As a bonus for picking up the course, I run a group fat loss boost in Facebook. Totally optional. We are starting a 14-day boost today (but a lot of people get killer results in 10 days, so it's fine...