A "Metabolism Hack" for DietingThere’s an active member of my High Carb Fat Loss Facebook Group, named Naman Iqbal, who posted an interesting study. It was a study on how different diets impact metabolism during weight loss. The researchers looked at obese women following different calorie-restricted diets.
Here's what they found:
Basically, cutting out all carbs could make losing weight harder by putting the brakes on your metabolism. Keeping some carb sources in your diet is the smart play. This study helps explain why my High Carb Fat Loss approach works so well for sustainable fat loss. You get the best of both worlds
Heck, the old-school Rice Diet was basically just low-cal eating with white rice and sugar added. Kept people's metabolisms humming along nicely as they leaned out. Here are before & after photos of patients who followed a diet of white rice, fruit juices and up to a pound of sugar per day.
Walter Kempner’s Rice Diet helped 106 patients each lose over 100 pounds. But surely their health was destroyed by evil sugar. Nope, they wound up healthier too. “There were significant decrements in blood pressure; fasting and two-hour postprandial blood glucose, serum triglyceride, and serum uric acid levels, and heart-chest ratio as evidenced on chest x-ray film.” I wrote an article on that here: The Best Carbs That Are Good for Weight Loss? I do like short bursts of super low calories when you want to lose weight rapidly. I have a mini course that covers this. This outlines my approach to doing a Protein Sparing Modified Fast (PSMF). The original plan is to do 14 days with this aggressive diet. But even 3-7 days works tremendously well. Take a break for a couple of days, by adding in some carbs. Then get back to it. The main point is that if you are dieting in a deficit to lose weight, make sure you include some carbs to keep T3 thyroid hormones high. Go too low in carbs in a deficit, and your metabolism will slow down. Cheers, -Rusty |
Fat loss and muscle definition strategies by former personal trainer to fashion models, Rusty Moore.
Tomorrow night at 9 PM PST, I'll be shuttting down all the order buttons for all of my courses. Until then, you can grab any of those courses for $10 (links to all 12 courses below). I'm going to renew this list for one more month to buy more time. I can't operate Visual Impact the way it is configured now - But I would hate to lose or sell 18 years of work. I appreciate the support on this $10 sale.This has given me the money to keep the website up indefinitely and the member's site up at...
I shut down the ability to order any of my courses about two weeks ago. I made the decision to shut down the business, but should have given more of a heads-up. I've had people bummed that they weren't able to get some of the courses. Also in my last email, I forgot to thank Yavor. Yavor has been invaluable to Visual Impact. He's been managing all customer service, helping me with graphics and tech stuff over the past 10+ years. He's super positive, calm under pressure, etc. Yavor is a total...
Well, it's been a good run. 🙏🏼 In early 2007, I published my first fitness article online on a website called Ezinearticles.com. That first article did well. So I wrote more. Soon, I had 20-30 articles that were getting read thousands of times each day. I linked out in my bio to my favorite course at the time "Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle" by Tom Venuto (still one of the best fitness courses ever written). I made a commission for each sale of his course. It was a nice $500-$600 per month...