Tomorrow night at 9 PM PST, I'll be shuttting down all the order buttons for all of my courses. Until then, you can grab any of those courses for $10 (links to all 12 courses below). I'm going to renew this list for one more month to buy more time. I can't operate Visual Impact the way it is configured now - But I would hate to lose or sell 18 years of work. I appreciate the support on this $10 sale. Also, if anyone is hiring for a Part-Time ghostwriter position, I might know someone who will be available soon ;) Here are the links to the courses... *I'm just putting a really short description for each, more details on the sales pages.
Yavor and I appreciate all the kind messages people have sent us. He put the comments in a 78-page PDF for me to read and keep. I spent this weekend reading through it all. When the business began to fail, It kind of made me feel like a bit of a failure- After reading through that pdf I no longer feel that way. Proud of what Yavor and I have accomplished. Just probably time for a shift. Appreciate all of you. Cheers, -Rusty |
Fat loss and muscle definition strategies by former personal trainer to fashion models, Rusty Moore.
I shut down the ability to order any of my courses about two weeks ago. I made the decision to shut down the business, but should have given more of a heads-up. I've had people bummed that they weren't able to get some of the courses. Also in my last email, I forgot to thank Yavor. Yavor has been invaluable to Visual Impact. He's been managing all customer service, helping me with graphics and tech stuff over the past 10+ years. He's super positive, calm under pressure, etc. Yavor is a total...
Well, it's been a good run. 🙏🏼 In early 2007, I published my first fitness article online on a website called That first article did well. So I wrote more. Soon, I had 20-30 articles that were getting read thousands of times each day. I linked out in my bio to my favorite course at the time "Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle" by Tom Venuto (still one of the best fitness courses ever written). I made a commission for each sale of his course. It was a nice $500-$600 per month...
Years ago, I had a friend who bought one of those ab contraction machines. The type made the abs flex involuntarily. Now, he actually needed to get leaner more than anything. But for adding strength and mass - it turns out these machines actually work. You still need to do traditional lifting, but they can enhance the results you get from a regular routine. A new meta-analysis[1] came out a couple of weeks ago. They analyzed 13 studies with 374 participants. Combining electrical muscle...